Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Conservative Party Conference 2013 Guidelines for Ministers

Tributes (for people you regard as incompetent or irrelevant)
Your colleagues (brilliant)
Margaret Thatcher (a wonderful woman)
George Osborne (genius/saviour/sage/swami/guru)
David Cameron (great/strong leader)

Attacks (for people who mildly disagree with your policies)
Labour (waste money)
Ed Miliband (socialist/Marxist/communist)
Ed Balls (Stalin)
Liberal Democrats (turncoats)
Trade Unions (evil militants)
Unemployed (scum/scroungers)
Immigrants (thieves/terrorists)
Bureaucrats (hopeless fools who enforce our rules)
European Bureaucrats (lunatics)

Catchphrases (aimed at indecisive voters)
Do the right thing
Hard-working families
Sense of entitlement
Something-for-nothing culture

Topics you must not mention (damaging comparisons)
Nigel Farage
John Major
Norman Lamont
Anders Behring Breivik

Topics to avoid if possible (potential for embarrassment)
Boris Johnson
Foreign policy