Thursday, 26 June 2014

Leveson Revisited: The astonishingly poor memory of David Cameron MP

The following quotes are extracted from British Prime Minister David Cameron's evidence to the Leveson Inquiry into the culture , ethics and practices of the press under questioning from Robert Jay QC and Lord Justice Leveson.

Thursday 14th June 2012 10am

p.2 line 10 it's hard to remember
p.21 line 20 I can't remember what I said at the time.
p.42 line 1 I'm never going to remember
p.58 line 9 I don't remember because it was a long time ago
p.58 line 23 I don't remember, I'm afraid. I can't even remember where the dinner was.
p.58 line 25 The trouble with that one is I can't remember where it was, let alone what we talked about.
p.59 line 8 I don't know, no.
p.60 line 8 I don't recall that, I'm afraid.
p.60 line 15 I don't recall what was discussed directly at the lunch.
p.60 line 21 I don't recall the specifics,
p.62 line 4 I don't recall
p.62 line 7 I don't remember the specifics of that conversation
p.64 line 6 I don't recall that, and I think it unlikely.
p.64 line 21 it's difficult to recall all of these events
p.65 line 8 I don't remember
p.66 line 9 I don't particularly recall what was discussed then
p.66 line 19 I don't particularly remember the dinner
p.67 line 1 As I say, I recall the drink, I don't recall the dinner.
p.84 line 20 I don't recall the exact provenance of this whole issue.
p.85 line 2 I can't remember the exact provenance
p.85 line 11 I don't recall.
p.85 line 12 I don't recall the exact conversations.
p.86 line 17 I don't remember
p.99 line 12 I can't remember the exact dates
p.100 line 25 I don't recall, but if George says that, I have no reason to doubt it.
p.101 line 20 I can't recall
p.101 line 23 Q. Can you remember how many conversations? A. No.
p.102 line 21 I can't recall exactly
p.103 line 4 I'm afraid I don't -- I don't recall.
p.107 line 6 I can't remember.
p.119 line 23 I don't recall.
p.119 line 25 I don't recall.
p.120 line 2 I don't remember the instance.

p.1 line 19 I couldn't recall that when you asked me the question
p.2 line 7 I do not remember it
p.2 line 18 I don't remember. I don't remember the conversation in any great detail.
p.2 line 23 I don't recall that.
p.3 line 6 I can't remember exactly who and when
p.3 line 9 I don't recall many specifics
p.3 line 15 That's not something I recall
p.4 line 2 I don't recall any conversations with Rupert Murdoch about it
p.6 line 10 I don't recall exactly the conversations that took place.
p.6 line 23 I can't remember the exact sequence of events
p.10 line 1 I don't really remember the specifics.
p.10 line 8 I don't recall the specifics
p.13 line 25 I don't recall
p.14 line 8 I don't recall any discussions about it
p.14 line 15 Well, I don't recall discussing it with him
p.14 line 17 I don't recall specific conversations
p.16 line 17 I don't particularly remember this note, and crucially, I didn't recall its existence on the day of 21 December
p.24 line 8 I can't remember every conversation I've ever had
p.24 line 17 I can't remember
p.24 line 20 I can't remember every conversation I've ever had with everybody, nobody can, but I am clear about this conversation I had with James Murdoch on 23 December.
p.25 line 21 I can't remember if it was me or someone else
p.30 line 23 someone -- I can't remember who -- said we must check the public statements of Jeremy Hunt

Transcripts available at

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