Wednesday 6 April 2011

An Extract from Prime Minister's Questions 30th March 2011

House of Commons

Wednesday 30th March 2011


The Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron): Congratulations on getting engaged, you d***.

Edward Miliband (Doncaster North) (Lab): You're not invited to the wedding because I've heard you used to smash up restaurants, s***stick.

You lied about tuition fees.

The Prime Minister: I don't recall that.

Edward Miliband: You said that fees of £9000 would be the exception not the rule.

The Prime Minister: My lies about tuition fees are justified by your lies about tuition fees.

Edward Miliband: You're cutting police officers when you try to claim that you aren't.

The Prime Minister: I'm not cutting police officers, you're the one who's cutting police officers!

Edward Miliband: You are cutting police officers, everyone says so!

The Prime Minister: I'm not cutting police officers, you are the ones who would be cutting police officers!

Edward Miliband: You are definitely cutting police officers, I am not.

The Prime Minister: I'm not cutting police officers. You are an arse.

Conservative Benches: More! More!

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